From Award-Winning Anchor, Reporter And Investigator Christine Haas: 
How YOU Can Be In The New York Times For Free! Writing The Perfect PR Pitch Made Easy.
In this FREE guide, you will learn: 
In this FREE guide, you will learn: 
  • How to make yourself, your passion, or your business stand out from the crowd and get reporter's attention (even if you’ve had no success so far!) 
  • How to time your sales pitch perfectly to secure longer airtime and reach bigger audiences than ever before.   
  • ​“FOR INSIDER EYES ONLY” tips, tricks, and tactics that have never been released before (they make all the difference when it comes to forming profitable relationships with the media!)  
And more!
Enter your details below to get your FREE copy
About The Author, Christine Haas
Christine has spent the past 15 years in the media as an anchor, reporter and investigator. In that time she’s won 18 Emmys, and Edward R Murrow awards. She’s featured on NBC, Fox, CNN, CBS News, and ABC News. Having spent the last decade researching and reporting on some fantastic stories, Christine has an inside media scoop like no other. 

Now, she’s coming “to the other side” to help people, businesses, and their passions get the air time that they truly deserve… And it all starts with the perfect press release! 
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